You have reached the end of the game.
This is the end of a journey of a lifetime. What felt like days of grinding and playing has been compressed into one small little game. Yet time passes by so quickly, leaving us with no time to spare. You have proven to the stars and yourself, that the only true limitation is ourselves. What we perceive as impossible is only impossible in our imagination. You see, the reason why our brainpower is limited its because it limits itself. To be able to think freely and turn those thoughts into tangible reality would be the ultimate end goal. Will humanity ever reach this ultimate goal, I will never know. But starting with you, you can strive toward it. Instead of giving yourself to time itself, give that time to yourself. Only you will truly benefit from it, and that's what matters. These are some words left by the stars. I thought you might wanted to read it. Now, farewell. You can revisit this message anytime you'd like.